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Purchase the guided Walk-Thru of the Life Balance Questionnaire for - Mental, Emotional, and Inner Wellbeing.


In this Video and PDF Combination, let Michelle walk you through this questionnaire and help you get on the path to setting your goals, one personal vision statement at time <3.


Then, if you want to keep working on the Life Balance Questionnaire independently, please purchase the video and document combinations for all or part of the other of the 7 different life areas not discussed in this video (in no particular order):


1) Career and Educational Aspirations

2) Money and Personal Finances

3) Health, Recreation, and Leisure

4) Life's Routine Responsibilities

5) Giving Back

6) Mental, Emotional, and Inner Wellbeing

7) Social and Family Relationships


Next, make sure you've completed your Personal Vision Statement for this and the other of the 7 different life areas where you'd like to see changes, no matter how small.


Then, move on to Part 2 - Goal Setting!!


Buy 2 of any of our digital products and get the 3rd free! Use code FYDigital3for2 at checkout. What are you waiting for?  Start today!!

Part 1: - Mental, Emotional, and Inner Wellbeing - Guided Life Balance Que

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